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Changes To The Wireless Telegraphy Act & How It Affects You

Over the past week or so, we have had calls from clients regarding the changes to the OFCOM Wireless Telegraphy Act and whether changes to current equipment are required.

Here is an outline directly from OFCOM’s website.

“This General Notice gives notice that we propose to vary the terms and conditions of all licence classes identified below to include a new licence condition relating to EMF. The proposed EMF condition will require licensees to comply with the ICNIRP general public limits and keep records to demonstrate how they have complied.

The proposed EMF condition will only apply to licences that authorise equipment to transmit at power levels in excess of 10 Watts EIRP (or 6.1 Watts ERP). If the authorised transmit power specified in a licence is below this limit, the licensee will not need to take any action as a result of this variation. However, if a licence is varied in the future to authorise powers in excess of 10 Watts EIRP (or 6.1 Watts ERP), the licensee will need to comply with our proposed EMF condition.

If a licence currently authorises equipment to transmit at power levels in excess of 10 Watts EIRP (or 6.1 Watts ERP), there are a number of simple ways in which licensees can comply (advice on how to comply is set out in our detailed Guidance on EMF Compliance and Enforcement).”

The question is, how does this affect the average two-way radio user? It’s likely that you’re not affected.

The document concerns the health and safety risk of yours and any radio equipment to the general public in the aspects of radiation. It applies to any systems transmitting more than 10 watts ERP. All equipment supplied by us would have complied with your radio license which, unless otherwise applied for, is restricted to 10 watts anyway. If your transmission is above 10 watts, the risk to the public would be to them being able to get in to close proximity of the antenna. If this is the case, some form of barrier/notice would need to be in place onsite.

We have had to deal with this matter on ships’ radars for many years, where the transmission is suppressed when the radar antenna is pointing into the passenger accommodation.

If you are unsure as to whether this affects you and your business, get in touch with us on and a member of our team will be happy to advise.

Ofcom Wireless Telegraphy Act