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New Video From SwaleSafe

Swale Safe has made a promotional video to advertise the partnership and the services it offers to businesses in the area. This is the first of two videos which the partnership has produced. The second one is a training film,which is currently being edited, to show members how to access the services on the secure part of the website.

Operations manager for the partnership, Sally Henley said, ‘As businesses are mainly electronic in their communications, I believe they expect us to engage with them in a similar way. I see the video as a vital marketing tool, in particular for reaching head offices where it is sometimes difficult to speak to relevant loss prevention heads or other regional managers face-to-face.

‘I wrote the content and researched what could and couldn’t be filmed, and two film studies graduates who have set up a video making business put it together, and a radio presenter did the voice over for us. The film has been approved by both Swale borough council and Kent Police corporate communications. We would be happy to help other partnerships if they wanted to produce something similar for their organisation.’Abdool Kara, chief executive of Swale borough council said,

‘We actively support Swale Safe as a valuable part of our approach to community safety. I would like to congratulate the team on putting together their innovative promotional film and on a job well done. It is well made, it says all the right things, with clear and direct speech, and is of an excellent picture quality. I understand the film is already helping the team to increase their marketing footprint, with positive results.’

The video can be viewed via the Swale Safe website